Sheet Music |
You, Who Have Chosen: for Youth Choir, Alto Solo, & Tenor Solo |
Audio Files |
MP3 |
You, Who Have Chosen: solos
performed by Heather Wickern & Brian D. Anderson |
You, Who Have Chosen:
accompaniment only |
About this piece... |
You, Who Have Chosen is one
of seven pieces that I wrote for a musical youth fireside for our
Stake. This was the first piece that I was inspired to write
on the way to the temple. I felt I needed to write a song for
the youth who have already chosen to live a Christ like life.
"You who have chosen wisely. You who have chosen truth."
The tenor solo conveys the fact that "It's never too late" to repent
and come unto Christ. This was a very uplifting song to write
and it made me proud of the youth in our generation. |
There is another
interesting facet to this piece. Many months earlier I sat
down at the piano and began playing a couple of piano parts. I
loved the piano parts, but try as I may, I couldn't place any words
or melodies that fit with the piano parts. I thought I was
having "writer's block" and I was very frustrated. Fast
forward now to when I wrote You, Who Have Chosen. I already
had the lyrics and melodies written and I sat down at the piano to
write the piano part. Most of the pieces I write, like We
Choose to Come Unto Christ, I can already hear the piano parts in my
head. But, for You, Who Have Chosen I could not hear a piano
part. I sat down at the piano and automatically started
playing one of the piano parts I have written many months earlier.
The melodies and lyrics fit perfectly! I feel the Lord
prepared me ahead of time so when the time came, I would be able to
write the piece quickly. The second melody I had written
became the introduction to Be Thou An Example. I truly felt
that the entire fireside was written through inspiration and I am
grateful for that wonderful opportunity I was given. |
Please see the
notes under Be Thou An
Example for more details about how this piece and the fireside came
about. |